How DevOps Co-Exists with Methodology and Frameworks

Anil Yadav
3 min readAug 1, 2021


For IT , we have methodologies and frameworks , while there are challenges in understanding which framework or methodology to use there are even bigger challenges in understanding the difference between these methodology and frameworks. But these IT management frameworks like ISO and ITIL are generic and are tailored to the specific needs of the company.They also have different objectives and tackle different problems, so it is important to understand the basic differences.

So where DevOps fits in these methodology or framework.

Multi Disciplinary : DevOps is a setup of multidisciplinary teams of Dev and Ops. It replaces siloed Dev and Ops that work together with shared practices and tools. The DevOps teams works on the SDLC in collab with each other to improve software quality and speed of delivery with the goal to improve CX. The focus is on speed and quality of functionality (application features, UX etc.) and NFR of availability, performance, security, and maintainability.

Break Silos and Integrate . DevOps integrates various teams and processes across the Dev and delivery of software. It achieves this by managing velocity and services for the LOB. Note that this methodology aligns with lean principles and Agile. Among the key metrics for DevOps are deployment frequency and time to restore. So in essence , DevOps is an operating model and methodology that enhances interoperability in key functions with governance done through self-organization (An Agile Principle) . Thus It can be leveraged side-by-side with other frameworks and methodologies such as ITIL 4 or COBIT.

Change management(CM) : All frameworks address the topic of CM but there are some differences. While ITIL 4 is for CM governance, Google SRE uses the concept of what is called an “Error Budget” which allows changes to be made by the SRE team until the error budget is “spent.” DevOps teams are continually managing changes which typically are gradual in nature. Another framework called CMMI measures the maturity of CM process.

Automation and tools. All methodologies are supported by a set of automation tools. Some tools focus on DevOps, others automate key processes within the Service Management area. The automation tool landscape is complex and continually changing due to new entrants, technologies (AI, etc.), and mergers and acquisitions. Understanding your Org goals and problems can guide towards a a lasting automation strategy.

IAC: Infrastructure as code is a process to automate server provisioning. It ensures server testing environments match Prod environments. Unlike human IT personnel, automated scripts never make a mistake or forget a setting. More on IAC in this post

Coexistence and Adoption : Note that of one or many frameworks or methodologies can co-exists at any time. The combination of methodologies and frameworks can only advance in how value is delivered with “velocity” and “quality” in mind. Companies should start with frameworks and methodologies that are suited to their needs by starting small, then learn, build expertise, and scale-up.

Metrics: Note the below metrics, some of them are common for DevOps and the Service Management like SLAs

1) Deployment Frequency

2) Lead Time/Cycle

3) Automated Test Pass/Fail



6) Change Volume/Cycle

7) Deployment Time/Cycle

8) PSR (Performance , Scalability and Reliability ) / Cycle

9) App Trafic Over Time

10) App Availability

11) Error Rate or Frequency / build

12) Deployment Failures



Anil Yadav

Not a geek but interest include one , i write on practicing work that genuinely reflects the experience | Runner | Avid Walker